Forget About Strict and Complicated Diets. Lose Fat and Gain Energy At the Same Time.

Do you look and feel your best? Are you wondering why it's hard to drop weight, and feel energetic throughout the day without coffee or sugar? Tired of trying every latest detox and program that comes out, only to wind up back at square one? Finally, there is a simple way to uncover the healthy beautiful body you have always deserved.

I invite you to sit back, relax and read my story.

You may be running low on on energy, have some weight to lose, a lower sex drive, maybe you lack the energy to keep up with a regular exercise routine, and you just feel overwhelmed with it all…

It will offer you meaningful answers that you have been looking for, that will put the power back in your hands for a simple path to the life and health you deserve.

There is a scary situation happening right now with regard to our health. I don’t think I need to tell you that though.

One in every two people in America has a chronic illness like heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune disease, arthritis, depression, ADD, memory loss, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, migraines, allergies, asthma, or skin problems such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

Millions more experience fatigue, sluggishness, insomnia, and lack of vitality. People are relying more and more on over the counter medications, copious amounts of coffee, sugar, alcohol, or sleep aids, just to make it through the day.

But if you are sick, not feeling well, experiencing acne, sleep disturbances, back pain, weight that won’t come off, and lack of vitality, or are a junk food junkie, it is NOT because you are lazy, undisciplined, or have bad genetics. You may have been told those things, but they are not true. Beating yourself up and going on yet another diet is the last thing you need.

I am thankful that you found this page, where I will share with you information I’ve gained from 28 years of studying nutrition and wellness, and finding my own path out of weight gain, adrenal fatigue, Lyme disease and hypothyroidism. 

Information I’ve shared with women and men all over the world, that is now packaged into one easy to follow system that doesn’t require personal consultations which could cost you thousands.

I am here to tell you that you don’t have to struggle on your own anymore. Our team of wellness experts will show you EXACTLY how to get off of the rollercoaster that sends most people straight to the doctor’s office and ends with a handful of prescriptions. Continue reading, and I promise you, it will be the most sensible, life-enhancing information you have come across.

The Typical Modern Diet is a Leading Cause of Sickness

Probably every single person reading this right now knows at least one person (and probably more) who is struggling with Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. Many of us know someone who has already lost that struggle.

In many cases, these diseases are LIFESTYLE DISEASES -- meaning, what we eat (or don't eat) and how much we exercise (or don't exercise) are HUGE factors in the development of these diseases. See these headlines pulled right from recent media:

Most Of Us Are Smart Enough To Understand The Facts. The Problem Is, The Facts Can Be Hard To Find.

The modern diet is filled with foods so high in calories, fat, and refined sugar -- all of which appeal to our biological human drive to conserve energy.

You see, in the distant past, conservation of energy was critical to survival of the species. We evolved in an environment where food was somewhat scarce. So, when we did get access to food, we ate as much high-calorie food as we could in a short period of time.

Over time, we developed a biological preference for those high calorie meals. That worked out good for our survival, in an environment where the ONLY choices were natural whole foods.

Many of us blame ourselves for lack of willpower, totally unaware that we are fighting a force beyond our understanding.

But today? We now live in a world where everything is fast and convenient, and we can drive up to a window and without even getting out of the car order a high fat, high sugar, pleasure inducing meal within minutes.

We walk into a grocery store and are bombarded with thousands of processed, high fat, high sugar, refined foods loaded with unhealthy calories.

Our biological drive to survive and conserve energy -- paired with the proliferation of massively unhealthy processed foods is literally, the death of us.

Why Isn't This Information Being Shared With Everyone?

Although science has made incredible breakthroughs in the last 30 years in terms of understanding how we can get out of this food trap and finally achieve amazing health, the body we desire, and a life full of energy, most people are in the dark.

The facts on how to get and keep a healthy body simply aren't reaching the average person. The groundbreaking work of medical researchers and nutrition scientists like Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn flies largely under the radar.

It's not that the information isn't there, but for the average person busy with daily responsibilities, work and family life, no one really has the time to spend all day researching just to discover some of these radically life-changing principles.

There are just too many financial interests at stake -- from the mega food-corporations who control our food chain to the billion dollar pharmaceutical companies making billions from us being sick and tired, the facts aren't easy to find.

But most people are getting smart. They are tired of it all. They have had enough of feeling like crap, tired of their stomach bulging out over their pants, and are finally sick of experiencing fatigue every day, depending on medication, and needing coffee and sugar just to make it through the day.

Most of us want to feel youthful, energetic, alive, happy and healthy.

I Know First Hand. I Lost Both My Body and My Health, But I Got It All Back. And Then Some!

Hi. I'm Liana. Clinical Nutritionist, Founder of 3 International Schools on Health, Wealth Building and Happiness, Former Lawyer, mother of two kids I homeschooled (who are now 22 and 17), living my dream life in Hawaii. My life today is vibrant, healthy, full of activity, days at the beach, travel and a career I am passionate about.

But it wasn't always like that. I was diagnosed with Lyme disease right before starting college in New York City, and I  was put on a radical long term dose of antibiotics. That, combined with a stressful  pre-med science course load and a double major, led to rapid decline in my health. 

Severe joint pain, fatigue and chronic insomnia led me to be an all-day coffee drinker and bagel eater.

After my science courses were complete, I decided I didn't want to go to med school and instead went to law school. During law school, I had even less sleep and more stress. I was the Managing Editor of my Law School's Law Review, along with working as a research assistant for two of my professors.

After graduation, it didn't get much better. I was offered a position at the top Wall Street corporate law firm, and began a journey that would be exciting on the career front, but horrific for my health. 

I was constantly overworked, over-stressed, and my body became toxic and sick.

Little did I know that the long course of antibiotics from years earlier, combined with the combination of excessive stress and lack of sleep, and refined carbs (thanks everything bagels!) created a perfect storm for the emergence of systemic candida, adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, and hormonal imbalance.

I tried just about every program out there that promised a quick fix. NONE OF IT WORKED!​

Until I Finally Had Enough. I think each of us has a breaking point. You know, that place you get to where you just can't stand it anymore. You can't stand feeling tired, not sleeping well, being disgusted at the way you look in your clothes, and how uncomfortable you feel overall.

I Poured Myself Into Every Piece of Nutrition Research Available

I had finally reached the point where I simply wasn't willing to continue on the path I was on. But I wasn't willing to take advice from any random person on the internet either. My background in science, research and law made me somewhat of a sceptic, and I just couldn't buy into any of the endless array of "health" chatter on the internet. I had seen more incorrect, misinformed, misguided advice ... being peddled by people with no qualifications. That wasn't good enough for me.

I retired from my career as an attorney, moved to Hawaii, and began an entirely new chapter in my life. I spent my days and nights pursuing my ultimate quest: finding the best path to health, and finding a way to thrive.

I spent thousands of dollars, and several years, doing NOTHING but studying, learning, researching, and raising my daughter.

I subscribed to every clinical health, medical and nutrition science journal I could get my hands on. I read hundreds of research reports on weight gain, candida, thyroid impairment, metabolism, adrenal functioning, epigenetics, and nutrition. Ultimately, I became a full time clinical nutritionist.

But That Wasn't All. I Knew The Mind Had To Be Healthy Too.

I knew the mind was our most powerful tool in getting healthy and having the body we want, especially after seeing so many people (myself included) go on diet after diet, only to wind up back at square one.

I was right.

After spending extensive resources and time researching the brain and its role in our choices, I came to understand that until we can get our mind on board with our goal to be fit, trim, energetic, and to thrive, NO plan in the world can help us.

I learned that our brains are SO powerful, and when we are confronted with social pressures, bombarded by advertising, and dealing with stress, we are literally defenseless against the standard diet.

Unless of course we have a plan.

The 66 Day Health Mastery Program Is That Plan.

I finally did it. I completely healed my body from within. Excess weight, gone. Candida, gone. Adrenal fatigue, gone. Hypothyroidism (which doctors told me I HAD to go on pills for), gone.

My skin and eyes glowed, and people I hadn’t seen in a long time told me I look younger than I did 10 years ago.

Exact, Simple and Easy Plan to Help You Get Back On Track.

Our 66 Day Health Mastery Program Shows you EXACTLY how to detox, reset, and regain the best health of your life. Step by step, you will be shown how to add healthy whole foods to your life, -- at a pace that is right for YOU.

Need to lose weight quickly and safely? Perfect. Our program has meal plans designed specifically for fast weight loss.

Don't need to lose weight, but feeling fatigued and in need of an overhaul? You are in the right place.

We show you step by step what to do to look and feel the best you've ever felt.

IMAGINE eating delicious meals that are satisfying, and being able to go back for seconds if you are still hungry. Imagine sleeping like a baby, feeling more energy than you may have felt in years, and looking in the mirror and seeing a THINNER, FITTER YOU with clear skin, bright eyes and no more dark circles!

We Give You 5 Easy Steps To Get The Body You Want.


66 Day Health Mastery Program

9 Modules of the Best-Selling Course to reset, renew, and reinvigorate, your life, health and mind.